Conference History
The 4th edition of the International Conference on Research in Management – ICRMANAGEMENT – took place on June 03-05, 2022 in Oxford, UK.
First Round Highlighted speakers
Author | Affiliation | Article Title | |
Dr.Randa El Bedawy
Ms.-Lamia-Noeir |
The American University in Cairo, Egypt | Embedding Knowledge Management to Support Open Government |
Dr.Oluwaseyi Ebenezer Olalere | University Of Cape Town, South Africa | Firm-level uncertainty and corporate (R&D) investment of firms in BRICS countries: a panel autoregression approach | |
Prof. Dr.Achmed Sukendro | Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia | Asean’s Contributions to Attain Peace on The Dynamic of Rohingya Ethic Issue | |
Prof. Dr.Syamsunasir | Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia | Identification And Analysis of Potential Disaster in The New Country Capital Area and Their Mitigation Effort | |
Prof. Dr.Ivana Barković Bojanić | Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia | Shaping return intentions from the young migrant point of view | |
Prof. Dr.Rifat Kamasak | Yeditepe University Istanbul, Turkey | Corporate political activities and corporate reputation: the moderating role of corporate social responsibility | |
Dr.Jose Orlando Montes de la Barrera | Universidad del Rosario, Colombia | Facing Uncertainty in Survival Mode | |
Dr.Wise Mainga | University of The Bahamas | Employability Skills of Undergraduate Business Students in The Bahamas | |
Prof. Dr. Dian Damayanti | European Alliance forInnovation publisher, IGI GLOBAL Publisher, Member of the Editorial board and member of the IEEE Advisor Mendeley ELSEVIER, Indonesia | Policy Selection of Candidate Office School Ministry of Law and human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia during the Corona Virus pandemic | |
Dr.Ejona Duci | University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria | The application of NAS, IAS and SMAT in Durres SMEs in Albania. | |
Dr.Elzbieta Pawlowska | Silesian University of Technology, Poland | The Potential for Social Innovation in the Energy Sector | |
Mr.Morteza Asghari Valik Chali | Saroyeh Institute of Higher Education, Iran | The Effect of Brand Love and Brand Trust on Brand Engagement | |
Mr.Bobin Chandra B | Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, India | Study On the Challenges Faced by Startups in Kerala | |
Mr.Faris Alsaedi | king abdulaziz university, Saudi Arabia | Leading in Covid-19 Pandemic: A Framework for Proactive Measures in Emerging Organizations | |
Ms.Fangyuan Shen | The University of Manchester, United Kingdom | Argument Mapping Analysis of Leagile Strategy in Construction Management Research | |
Mr.Roshan Baa | St. Xavier’s Collge, Ranchi, India | Emerging Different Digital Applications and Its Impact on Global Electronic Markets | |
Ms.Laveena Chandumal Dewani | National Institute of Industrial Engineering, India | Resilient Leadership and Well-Being: A Bibliometric Analysis | |
MSC.Anna Horzela | Silesian University of Technology, Poland | Bibliometric analysis of the current state of research in the field of energy clusters at the international level | |
Mr.Daniel Castro | Universidad del Rosario, Colombia | Innovation culture factors: a level-based synthesis |