Oxford 2022

Conference History

The 4th edition of the International Conference on Research in Management – ICRMANAGEMENT – took place on June 03-05, 2022 in Oxford, UK.

First Round Highlighted speakers

Author Affiliation Article Title
management conference

management conference

Dr.Randa El Bedawy


The American University in Cairo, Egypt Embedding Knowledge Management to Support Open Government
education conference Dr.Oluwaseyi Ebenezer Olalere University Of Cape Town, South Africa Firm-level uncertainty and corporate (R&D) investment of firms in BRICS countries: a panel autoregression approach
education conference Prof. Dr.Achmed Sukendro Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia Asean’s Contributions to Attain Peace on The Dynamic of Rohingya Ethic Issue
education conference Prof. Dr.Syamsunasir Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia Identification And Analysis of Potential Disaster in The New Country Capital Area and Their Mitigation Effort
management conference Prof. Dr.Ivana Barković Bojanić Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia Shaping return intentions from the young migrant point of view
education conference Prof. Dr.Rifat Kamasak Yeditepe University Istanbul, Turkey Corporate political activities and corporate reputation: the moderating role of corporate social responsibility
education conference Dr.Jose Orlando Montes de la Barrera Universidad del Rosario, Colombia Facing Uncertainty in Survival Mode
education conference Dr.Wise Mainga University of The Bahamas Employability Skills of Undergraduate Business Students in The Bahamas
education conference Prof. Dr. Dian Damayanti European Alliance forInnovation publisher, IGI GLOBAL Publisher, Member of the Editorial board and member of the IEEE Advisor Mendeley ELSEVIER, Indonesia Policy Selection of Candidate Office School Ministry of Law and human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia during the Corona Virus pandemic
education conference Dr.Ejona Duci University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria The application of NAS, IAS and SMAT in Durres SMEs in Albania.
education conference Dr.Elzbieta Pawlowska Silesian University of Technology, Poland The Potential for Social Innovation in the Energy Sector
management conference Mr.Morteza Asghari Valik Chali Saroyeh Institute of Higher Education, Iran The Effect of Brand Love and Brand Trust on Brand Engagement
management conference Mr.Bobin Chandra B Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, India Study On the Challenges Faced by Startups in Kerala
management conference Mr.Faris Alsaedi king abdulaziz university, Saudi Arabia Leading in Covid-19 Pandemic: A Framework for Proactive Measures in Emerging Organizations
management conference Ms.Fangyuan Shen The University of Manchester, United Kingdom Argument Mapping Analysis of Leagile Strategy in Construction Management Research
education conference Mr.Roshan Baa St. Xavier’s Collge, Ranchi, India Emerging Different Digital Applications and Its Impact on Global Electronic Markets
education conference Ms.Laveena Chandumal Dewani National Institute of Industrial Engineering, India Resilient Leadership and Well-Being: A Bibliometric Analysis
education conference MSC.Anna Horzela Silesian University of Technology, Poland Bibliometric analysis of the current state of research in the field of energy clusters at the international level
education conference Mr.Daniel Castro Universidad del Rosario, Colombia Innovation culture factors: a level-based synthesis